Tuition Policies
➢ All families are required to sign a Tuition Contract prior to the first day of school.
➢ All payments to North Point Christian Academy (or NPCA) are non-refundable, including all one-time fees, technology rental fees, and tuition payments. (see Acknowledgment of Receipt)
➢ Credit cards, debit cards, cash, cashier checks, and personal checks (payable to North Point Christian Academy) are accepted.
➢ All electronic payments (credit or debit cards) automatically incur a 3% transaction fee.
➢ Tuition payments are based on enrollment at NPCA, not attendance. Therefore, tuition payments are due in full regardless of illness, closures, vacations, or family emergencies. School holidays and scheduled breaks are already factored into the base tuition price.
➢ LATE FEES: A late fee will be added to payments not received by the twenty-fifth of every month.
• First Occurrence: $35 fee
• Second Occurrence: $70 fee
• Third Occurrence: $100 fee and required enrollment in auto-draft to continue monthly installments or must pay remaining tuition in full.
➢ DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS: Student attendance and ThinkWave accounts will be revoked on delinquent accounts not paid in full within 21 days of the due date.
➢ EARLY WITHDRAWL: Upon receipt of a 30-day notice of withdrawal, all discounts and scholarships will be revoked. Tuition will be retroactively calculated at the full rate for each student for the duration of their enrollment, through the end of the 30-day notice period. The tuition balance due, along with any outstanding fees, must be received within 14 days of the written notification. All requests for transcripts, report cards, referrals or record transfers will only be completed on accounts that have been paid in full.
Tuition and Fee Schedule (see 2024-2025 NPCA Tuition & Fee Schedule for pricing)
➢ The first tuition payment is due July 25th for all students.
➢ Tuition may be paid in ten equal installments, due on the twenty-fifth of every month (July - April).
➢ Bi-annual payments are not offered.
➢ FULL PAYMENT DISCOUNT: Tuition may be paid in full by July 25th to receive a 5% discount.
➢ MULTIPLE STUDENT DISCOUNT: Families with multiple students enrolled at North Point Christian Academy will receive a 5% discount off the lowest qualified tuition rates for second and subsequent students within the same household. This discount excludes one-time fees, MDO tuition, and students enrolled in a single course. Siblings of single-course students enrolled in a 3- or 4-day program will receive the sibling discount.
Limited student scholarships are offered on a case-by-case basis depending on the academic school year. Students must be currently enrolled and in good academic and behavioral standing at NPCA. Parents/guardians will be provided a scholarship packet upon request.